Monday, November 12, 2018


There are some things that don't seem like they should be political, but they are.

Take climate change.

Its hard to imagine why anyone would object to reducing pollutants of any type except some businesses that it might add cost to.

Those types of things can be addressed by using regulations or taxes to level the field but we see people attacking the science, which is pretty irrefutable.

The solution is a cleaner world and less greenhouse gases, can't we work commonly towards that?

It isn't some conspiracy to hurt America, the facts and figures are available to all.

Similarly, I'm not familiar with anyone who thinks innocent people getting gunned down is a good thing.  Solutions to that problem don't require confiscating peoples guns but it might involve restricting the types of guns available without special background checks.

Once again the only ones who actually oppose these restrictions are the companies that profit by having unrestricted gun sales.

Profit is not an acceptable substitute for living and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are also guaranteed.

What w don't protect is people's right to vote.  Some states have tried to do everything they can to suppress the wrong type of voter.

Of course the ones they consider wrong varies and the justification, usually related to voter fraud is unfounded.  Every citizen should be able to vote and they shouldn't be denied because they might vote for the wrong candidate.

We currently see attacks being made irresponsibly about recounts in some close elections.  Those recounts are observed by both parties and are not fraudulent or manipulated.

Count every vote is really not something we should be disagreeing about.

Its democracy.

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