Friday, November 9, 2018

Adult Governance

How much of an impact the democratic controlled congress will have on certain issues remains to be seen.

It clearly isn't able to pass legislation without buy in from the senate and the administration, so its ability to start new initiatives is going to be limited.

It can however impact the other sides initiatives in a similar fashion meaning that to get things passed, legislation will have to include some concessions to them.

This is in fact called democracy where negotiation becomes more important then rhetoric.

Some of the areas where this will have the most impact include social issues.

It can protect things like freedom of choice, health care, social security which were targeted to reduce the deficit.

Maybe the most important role it has is to be reasonable and not pave the way for a reversal in two years.

The last two years have seen the appointment of two conservative judges to the Supreme Court who will influence day to day American life for decades.  Other seats will inevitably come up and if not in the next two years certainly in the four after that.

There is a pretty clear demographic trend that indicates America becoming more progressive.  It looks inevitable but the inevitable part of it may take years.

Having a federal judiciary that is going to prevent progress would be a lasting legacy of intransigence we don't need.

Adult leadership that doesn't chase windmills but doesn't abandon progressive causes is what's need.

There has been a real absence of that recently.

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