Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Two More Years

It has been two years since the dontard got elected and it feels much longer.

He's managed to move the republican party to the right, making it a home for racists and bigots while getting evangelicals to hold their nose and support his anti-abortion stance.

He may have tainted the Supreme Court for the next few decades with our second sexual abuser on it.

He's managed to give his rich cronies a nice tax break while spreading a few crumbs around for most of us, that were eaten up by the increased prices on imports due to his trade policies.

He has made enemies of our friends overseas while toadying up to the Russian Dictator

He is perceived as something between a buffoon and an out of control toddler carrying an automatic weapon.

His administration is unable to put together competent appointees as he seems to take advice from whomever he talks to last.  His acting attorney general is either a fine man who he knows very well, or someone who he has never met who he apparently appointed by throwing darts.

Possibly both if it turns out his mental disorder goes that way.

Democrats taking the house was almost a complete victory, not sure if he remembers what party he is in.

Our deficit is ballooning and he wants to increase it further with more tax cuts and more spending.

He has delayed our progress on cleaning up the environment, since he doesn't think the millions and millions of metric tons of carbon released every day is causing any problems.

We are taking steps back in guaranteeing equal protection under the law and have gone after long time residents who have done nothing wrong except being here.

The jobs being created are fine but they are the same type of jobs that have been created under the new normal, lower paying service jobs, not high paying manufacturing jobs, for the most part.

Of course, his state of the union address will tout a lot of imaginary achievements and probably blame the democrats for what didn't happen.

Two more years.

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