Tuesday, November 20, 2018


It always seems that success leads to distractions in politics.  The Democrats have taken control of the House but the big story concerns the revolt against Nancy Pelosi.

She has significant baggage since she was the speaker of the house the last time the Democrats were in charge.

She has a big role in passing the affordable care act but at the time she took a lot of criticism.

Any politician in a position of power is going to get criticised but th criticisms of Pelosi have taken on a life of their own.

She has been a staunch supporter of Democratic policies and equal opportunity, but she has had to make compromises over the years.

Compromise is not acceptable to some of our newly elected Progressives but they should realize compromise is the oil that gets things done.

Moving the party further left is fine but taking extreme positions isnt.  It's also important to choose the right battles and fighting over the leadership after an electoral victory probably isnt.

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