Monday, November 5, 2018

Another Election

Tomorrow is election day although millions have already voted in early voting in the states the allow it.

The good news is the the electoral college is not a factor,

The bad news is that the gerrymandered congressional districts are a factor, although probably not enough of one to stop the House from changing.

The Senate was very unfavorable this year since most of the seats up for election were held by democrats and the odds of holding all of them and picking up two more was a difficult task.

Still it all depends on who turns out to vote and it looks like we will have a very high turnout for a midterm election.

Of course that is still going to be a pretty low percentage if you think about it of everyone who could or should vote.

Voting should be convenient and easy for citizens who want to exercise their fundamental right.

We have certain interests who prefer some people not vote so we throw up impediments.

The idea that we have any significant voter fraud has been debunked over and over but some still use it to put up restrictions aimed at certain minorities.

Democracy is dependent on the will of all the people, not just some of them.

The really good news is that so far we in America still respect the rule of law and accept the results.

The last time some didn't in 1860 it didn't go very well.

Vote and move America forward.

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