Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Congressional Hearing

The testimony of Michael Cohen was interesting overall but not unexpected.

We saw a pretty accomplished "fixer" respond to various attacks on his character with pretty straightforward answers.

What was predictable was that republican after republican tried to attack the previous close associate of the current president as a man of questionable character, which is certainly true, but he was a close associate of the president for that very reason.

Still there is no credible reason that the documents and testimony are falsified.

I don't see that the testimony today is going to change many minds about the situation.  There was already plenty of evidence about the activities of the campaign and while some details remain to be revealed we have plenty of indictments and guilty pleas to see that the group was hardly full of upstanding characters.

Is there sufficient evidence to prove the president was aware of and directing the bad deeds?

Maybe not enough for the true believers but from a common sense point of view, there is plenty.

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