Friday, February 22, 2019

Filling Air Time

It always interesting to watch political pundits talk about the future and what is going to happen.

They get much more wrong than they get right.

I would wonder how many thought, four years ago, that our current President would even be a serious contender?

Still, I see them arguing over who would be the best candidate to run for the Democrats in 2020 and what he/she will need to do to win.

It can be interesting, but essentially its just filler, since whatever they say now simply doesn't matter.

In fact I sometimes think that with all the analysis and information we see or hear that the business of analysis is a self serving industry.

The cable channels have tie to fill and they find people willing to fill it.

Many, if not most of these people would be effectively invisible to most of us otherwise.

Yes, someone may be a professor of political theory at a University, but the academic career that qualified you for that position is unlikely to make you an expert prognosticator.

The eventual candidate may be someone we aren't even considering now and his/her ability to win will depend on how voters view the contenders.

Its simple but largely unknown at this time.

Still we will see this discussed over and over again simply because it fills air time.

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