Saturday, February 2, 2019

How About a Big Fan?

Why are we building a wall on the Southern Border when the Polar Vortex just crossed our Northern Border and was responsible for major disruptions and multiple deaths?

At this time of year I would much rather have weather cross into this country over our Southern Border!

I was thinking about how to stop something like these weather events when we get invaded by cold from the north in the winter and various nasty events from the south in the summer.

Why not a wall of border fans?

It wouldn't probably have any impact on the weather but it would make us feel like we were trying and who is going to run thought a bunch of spinning blades to sneak across the border?

They would have to be reversible so we could blow hot or cold, depending.

I suspect it might impact some migratory animals but I'm sure we can deal with that.

Just blow that Polar Vortex back to where it belongs.

Use warm Mexican weather to combat it, could be part of a trade agreement.

Canada could return the favor in the summer.

Since both would benefit, I'm sure they would be happy to finance the fan walls!

It is pretty clearly something that won't actually work, and it would be very expensive to build and maintain, but it isn't the first such proposal!

Certainly seems easier than actually working the underlying issues impacting climate change.

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