Tuesday, February 12, 2019


I was watching a show about packs of painted wolves in Africa and how they interact and hunt.

What wasn't clear near until nearly the end that everything that was happening was happening in a nature preserve surrounded by human habitation.

Yes in most ways they live as they always have, the animals, but they have limited range and are endangered.

Its very hard to find areas on this planet not being taken over by humans or at least not changed by us.

The oceans, as vast as they seem, now have huge islands of plastic garbage from us.  We have been devising ways to clean them up but of course it would have been easier not to create them in the first place.

Polar bears have recently infested a remote area in Siberia where humans live because the melting ice is destroying their habitat.  I don't imagine this will end well for the bears.

This isn't totally new, humans have been altering the environment since very early on, we just have now achieved worldwide capabilities.

In many cases its too late, a lot of species are simply gone and not coming back.

Nature is not kind.  It really operates on a survival of the fittest concept where the ability of a species to exploit another is generally limited to its own survival.  If you eliminate your food source you starve so over time the natural order ended up in a state of equilibrium.

Humans have gone outside of nature and converted habitats for our use.

We have sort of gotten away with it so far, although a fair number of modern ailments may be the result of our activity.

We can't get away with it forever, or can we?

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