Thursday, February 14, 2019


It looks like a border wall has become more of a symbolic issue than a real issue.

It is clear to almost everyone that it will have little or no impact on the so called issues brought up about the border.

It may deter some casual crossers, if any exist, but you have to remember that the border is already protected by natural barriers that aren't crossed casually now.

It is such a long border that the people, the coyotes, who currently arrange crossings and profit handsomely will find ways under or over it for profit.

It will not deter terrorists or drug traffickers who already use other mean to enter the country.

Still it has become a rallying cry for people even as it has no real value.

It is likely to stay with us until the current occupant of the white house is replaced

Its easier than espousing real solutions that are probably too complex for many.

It may or may not inspire certain anti-immigration groups to get out and vote.

It may not work.

Its simply one of the straws they are grasping.

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