Sunday, February 24, 2019


I was watching a video of a group of children who confronted Senator Feinstein in her office to ask her to vote for the Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal is a proposal that goes way beyond climate change and in fact has some fairly radical ideas.  Each of these ideas is worthy of consideration but to package them together and demand an all or nothing response is actually harmful to meaningful climate legislation.

Opposing the Green New Deal is not opposing climate change and in some ways the idea of attaching climate change to some of the other proposals is almost designed to result in failure.

The propaganda move of sending a group of schoolchildren who were clearly coached to say certain things to try to undermine a prominent democratic senator, who by the way is not up for re-election for quite a while is clearly part of some agenda.

The question is who's?

Since the result doesn't actually advance the cause of climate change it might very well be logical to assume it was organized by climate change opponents.

It could also be just misguided progressives, who would rather fail than achieve modest success.

In fact the confrontation, if that is even an accurate word for what happened, was clearly staged to get a negative reaction.  The first video posted was a poor representation of what actually happened.  Further, one has to ask what makes anyone think that schoolchildren between the ages of 10 and 16 or so are experts?

I admire that they are concerned about climate change but they were used to get an effect here and listening to them say pre-coached phrases was pure theatre.

We need to address the issues of climate change and negotiate what we can in the current legislature.  We also need to take action on an individual basis.

We don't need to set up total failure.

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