Friday, February 15, 2019

National Emergency?

There is a situation on the Southern Border that has been going on a long time.

It isn't really getting worse, in fact by most accounts it has been getting better.

Still the dontard is determined to act like this is an emergency and try to use money intended for other purposes to build a silly wall.

To the extent this is likely to fail, it is probably just a stunt to fire up the anti-immigration part of his base.

These are the people convinced that having Spanish as an option on automated phone systems is somehow a threat to their liberty.

This is not something new in American history.

From the earliest times there were people who decried how new immigrants were destroying the American way.

Wave after wave of immigrants were greeted by some with distrust and hate even as they built this great country to what it is today.

We wouldn't have settled the west or built our great cities without them, but each wave was going to destroy our values.

Oddly, the immigrants we object to now actually share a lot with us already, at least historically, being from American countries that revolted against a European master and who won their freedom.

In some ways they aren't much different than the waves of poor Americans who fled the dust bowl and southern poverty over the years

They are just on the other side of a border created by events they had nothing to do with.

Emergency?  The only thing that comes close is our failure to act like good neighbors and extend a helping hand.

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