Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Is it working?

When the Democrats won control of the House, many people thought this is going to make congress even more dysfunctional. 

It would make sense, one party controlling the House, the Senate and the Presidency, versus two.

However early results indicate mote seems to be getting done rather than less.

Yes we did have a long Government shutdown, but the agreement was actually negotiated in the time allotted and we are likely to avoid another.

I noticed that an environmental bill and land management bill passed with near unanimity when they could come close last session.

It is of course too early to be certain, but it makes sense when you think about it.

When the Republicans controlled both houses, they didn't feel the need to include Democrats in the early process, only presenting them with a take it or leave it proposition.  They generally didn't take it and because of Senate rules you had to get at least some of them on-board.

Now, they have joined the process and by inputting into the process actually help create a negotiated agreement.

Even in cases where that agreement is about the same as the one that a single party would have developed, it is more likely to pass since they participated.  

Its how the process is supposed to work.

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