Saturday, February 23, 2019

Saturday Ramblings

The crisis on the Southern Border seems pretty quiet today.  What day of the crisis is this?

Real crisis going on in Puerto Rico but apparently the President doesn't want to address it.  Over a year now.

Weather for any given day is just a data point while climate is a function of that data.  Still seems like we are seeing plenty of odd data points every year. (sorry if that brings back bad math memories)

Sheriffs in rural Washington State don't want to enforce the new gun laws passed in a referendum.  So do they think everyone can pick and choose what laws to follow?

Supreme Court just said unreasonable fines constitutional protections apply to the States.  About time.  Some of the seizures were simply outrageous.

The Governments are forced to find ways to raise money that isn't identified as a tax, although of course by definition it all is.  We have more and more supplemental tax cameras that take a picture of you doing something and sending you a bill for turning on red or speeding etc.  Now, while it wasn't close to perfect I did think having those enforced by humans added a bit of common sense into the process that is missing now.

What I find interesting is that in addition to the fines, a lot of places now add court admin fees to the cost.  What is the fine use for?  Seems like double dipping to me.  Guess the fine money was already spent.

One of the problems is that many local governments are saddled with obligations made by their predecessors. Often pension promises are underfunded and not getting better.  It is a problem that has to be solved but it should be solved transparently, not is shadowy seizures and fines.

There are no easy answers but kicking the problem down the road isn't an answer at all.

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