Monday, February 11, 2019

Domestic Security

Negotiations are under way to avoid another Government shutdown and right now things aren't looking too good, at least according to some of the participants.

The only real issue comes down to funding for the wall that was a campaign promise of sorts.

Of course that promise included a promise that we wouldn't have to pay for it, which has apparently been forgotten.

Is a wall a good thing?

In certain areas we already have barriers and in other areas we rely more or less on the terrain to deter border crossings.

We are talking about thousands of mile of border, much of it quite inhospitable.

Certainly, people can be transported to the border in those areas and can cross, usually with the hope of being apprehended and applying for asylum.

The vase majority of these immigrants simply want an opportunity to plead their cases.

The other ones, the drug dealers and possibly terrorists, have better ways to cross, they can afford it.

You are really talking about two different worlds, that of the desperate immigrant looking for a better life and that of a criminal looking to make more money.

There have been many ways that drugs have gotten into this country and I can guarantee that long treks across inhospitable stretches of desert is not very popular, there are many easier ways.

Similarly, most terrorists simply fly into this country using various visas.  That's for terrorists that come from outside the country, we have always had our home grown ones.

Domestic security is important, but generally it is not tied into events on our southern border specifically.

Those people aren't the threat.

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