Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Power of the Purse

I find it very hard to understand anyone who thinks we have a crisis or emergency at our southern border.

Yes some migrants try to cross illegally, generally to then claim asylum after they surrender.

No documented terrorists have been found to cross that way, although of course the possibility can't be ignored.  Still we don't have instances of terrorist acts committed by people crossing that border illegally.

There have been some crimes, and sometimes violent crimes committed by undocumented aliens, but these are actually pretty rare and the fact that they people were undocumented aliens is not much of a factor.

We have plenty of news coverage of what is going on at the border and the main issues concern the safety of people trying to seek asylum and a better life in this country.

The problem is that we have a chief executive who was searching for some excuse to grab some money to build a useless wall and is misusing an act meant to facilitate action in real emergencies.

This needs to be fixed, because that is Pandora's box once it is opened.

The constitution requires appropriations to be made by the congress, because the power of the purse strings is the best way to control a wayward executive.

If that line is crossed we may find ourselves going further and further into tyranny.

It has happened, unfortunately, many time throughout history and we need to nip it in the bud.

There are simple solutions that would allow quick response in real emergencies and still preserve the constitution.  Simply requiring any such declaration to be ratified by congress within a reasonable time would do the trick.

It obviously isn't something they can pass right now, but it needs to happen.

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