Saturday, February 9, 2019


I find it a bit strange who many people who romanticize the shiploads of immigrants that used to come by ship to Ellis Island, act like a van load of immigrants on the border is a crisis.

They may cross the border illegally, but it is perfectly legal to request asylum.

They aren't terrorists or criminals, at least not more than any other random group, and most statistics indicate less.

Of course they are the clear cut leaders in immigration law violations.

The fervor over immigration is simply misguided.

We should have a way for people who want to come here, to come here legally, we need immigrants to fill jobs and help with our demographics.

Our current system is simply bad for everyone, costly, punitive, and in some cases cruel.

Its also pretty unfair in how its applied.

There will be additional border security of some sort based on the current negotiations.

Wouldn't be a problem if we opened up a broader path to letting hard working people immigrate.

Screen out the undesirables, we have always done that.

Speaking a different language doesn't make you undesirable, it makes you interesting.

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