Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Venezuela Crisis

What is going to be the final outcome in  Venezuela and certainly there are lots of questions related to the validity of the last election there, but I find it curious that our administration seems most upset by the fact that they have a semi-socialist economy.

Even more curious is the fact that while we are demanding regime change in Venezuela, Air Force One is heading towards a meeting with a certified brutal dictator who our dontard seems to like.

Venezuela is a country in crisis, both economically and politically and it is certainly possible that the best solution is regime change.

Still its unclear if US involvement is going to have a negative or positive impact on a solution.  Many Latin Americans remember the days when the US tried to dictate to them and felt free to intervene.

It might be the one thing that guarantees that the current regime stays in power if this anti-American interventionist spirit takes hold.

We may be heading towards an active US military intervention which is unlikely to result in a quick solution to the problems there.

Since we no longer recognize the current regime, its hard to envision any other solution.

Unfortunately military intervention is probably not really a solution at all.

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