Thursday, March 28, 2019

America, Land Of the Free

There are decisions that most of us believed were made long ago that are becoming relevant today about the nature of America.

The biggest of those questions concern the nature of the country.

Are we a diverse melting pot where everyone is treated equally without regard to race, religion, sex or are we a bastion of white, Christian, male privilege?

It almost seems ridiculous to ask but the second option is on the rise and is becoming insidious.

We see it in all these social media posts talking about the good old days as if we all grew up in Mayberry RFD.

Well we didn't and despite the warmth exhibited on the show, it would have been no picnic.

People of color or people who were different didn't fare too well in places like that.

They often didn't even do well in bigger cities.

We really have to decide what kind of country we want to be.

We are already on the road to diversity and inclusion and attempts to stop it are doomed in the long term.

They can be pretty harmful in the short term though.

Is everyone entitle to be free and pursue happiness, or just some people?

I vote for everyone.

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