Friday, March 1, 2019

Electoral Racism

The ex Republican governor of Maine just praised the electoral college for keeping white people in power.  This is of course a common republican position, but seldom discussed publicly.

This idea that there is something inherently better about white people is the essence of racism, and it is very common among Republicans and some Democrats.

The reason for the electoral college was rooted in a number of things, one of which was that very purpose.  However, there is also the promise to lower population states that they will have some voice in how things are decided.

However, that is encapsulated in the way we elect the Senate where each state gets equal representation.  Should this concept also apply to the way we elect the President?

Democracy promises that each person has an equal vote.  The electoral college gives people in lower population states more of an impact than those in higher population state.  That is why in the last election the popular vote winner ended up losing.

However, the situation is unlikely to change since the States that benefit would have to agree to the change.

Many of the checks and balances in our system is designed to protect the rights of certain minorities.  Interesting that now they are protecting the rights of the majority.

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