Monday, March 4, 2019


There was a time when CPAC was dominated by literate, intelligent people who argued the rightness of their conservative philosophy citing the constitution and the founding fathers.

It is now more of a joke.

We have the chief clown coming out and hugging the American flag as is he loves it.

He didn't love it enough to serve in a war.

As a con man he like to play to the crowd and as a snake oil salesman he simply lies about how great his product (in this case him) is.

What is interesting is that the principled conservatives have descended into a crowd of true believers, believing things that they argued against for many years.

Free trade was one of their core principles, when they had some.

Massive deficits and debt were never something they supported.

Cozying up to dictators was never one of their core values.

I don't know if the audience is different now or if the attendees have just decided to enjoy the circus while it lasts.

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