Saturday, March 23, 2019

Well It Didn't Go On Forever

The report has been delivered to the Attorney General and what is going to be released to the public is the question that needs to be answered.

We will now spend time arguing over what should or should not be released, unless of course the entire thing is released.

That would also not stop the ongoing questions and speculation about what didn't get into the report or what is in the supporting documentation.

When we are still speculating about who assassinated Kennedy, whether the Moon landing was real and what happened to Amelia Earhart, the odds that the report will put an end to ongoing speculation and recriminations is unlikely.

We do live in a time of media circuses and while real circuses have lost their appeal, the media ones go on and on.

There are still organizations that want to prove that one or both of the Clintons should be in jail.

Maybe they should, but there is no evidence of anything criminal, even if there is plenty of evidence of some bad judgment and some infidelity.

If we start making those things crimes very few of us would still be free.

The bad judgment is a killer.

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