Thursday, March 14, 2019

Technology and Accidents

Its certainly not fully determined what was responsible for the two Boeing Max aircraft that crashed but it is beginning to look like it was related to some advanced technology.

I was reading that two other pilots reported an issue that occurred shortly after takeoff where as the autopilot was engaged the plane went into a fairly rapid descent.  They quickly turned of the autopilot and regained control of the plane.

It may or may not be related to the actual crashes, but it certainly seems like uncorrected it would have had the same outcome.  Why the pilots would not have corrected would probably be the never answered question.

It may of course be something completely different, but unless we had two suicidal pilots it is almost definitely related to some technological glitch.

Technology is becoming more and more controlling in many areas and we are seeing the introduction of self driving cars.

Many new cars now have technological warning systems such as warning you if you drift over a lane divided, some have auto braking systems as you approach an object.

These have some significant potential to improve safety but they also create some risk.

Systems that we rely on, which malfunction, can keep us from doing simple acts we would have routinely done without the system.  If you over rely on the technology you become vulnerable.  Even worse, you open yourself up to being hacked.

It is entirely possible that the two crashes were caused by the glitch in the autopilot system reported by other pilots and the difference was that the pilots who crashed didn't disengage the autopilot, because they trusted it.  Maybe, maybe not.

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