Friday, March 29, 2019

Common Sense and the Common Man

I grew up in a working class neighborhood and spent my formative years with them.  I may have done fairly well in some aspects of my life but those years have shaped who I am.

The simple fact is that these are the people who did the hard work of the world, who get up early and worked hard for fairly minimal pay.

You worked hard, often drank hard, often served in the Army, and took no bullshit from anyone.

They weren't necessarily loaded with book smarts, but they had street smarts, faced fairly continuously with people taking advantage of them, making promises they didn't mean and generally treating them poorly.  The had to put up with it because it was often these same people who gave them jobs, and you had to work, it was just what you did.

Yet I see these people listening to one of the greatest bullshit artists I have ever seen and seeming to believe him?

Where has that common sense and healthy skepticism gone?

Yes, everyone lies to them to some extent, but this has reached extremes seldom seen before.

Where are the jobs he claims he is bringing back?  He is taking away health care, not improving it.  He is diverting money to build a useless wall to stop a crisis, that just isn't a crisis (may at least create a few jobs).  He has increased the cost of many goods via tariffs that haven't led to a resurgence of the 50s, the robots are still in the factories.

I get the circus aspect of his rallies, but people actually seem to be falling for the con.

It makes me wonder if old Abe know what he was talking about when he said you can't fool all of the people all of the time?  I hope so.

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