Monday, March 25, 2019

No Indictment

There are still a lot of unanswered questions related to the Mueller report but the conclusions as provided by the AG indicate that no charges will be filed against the President, at least by the special counsel.

While this is being celebrated as vindication by the President, it is at best a minor hiatus, as we know the Democrat controlled House and possibly the Southern District of New York will continue investigating.

In fact on obstruction of justice the report left that decision to the AG because the evidence could be interpreted either way.  The fact that the AG is not going to prosecute in no surprise, and it is certainly not exoneration since the jeopardy is still intact.

The report did highlight that the Russians did attempt to influence the election, and may have succeeded to at least some extent.  The indictments that have been filed are generally for lying under oath although some are related to the actual election interference.

I suppose the celebration is similar to that of a accused criminal who hears the Grand Jury did not return an indictment.

Its better than the alternative.

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