Friday, March 15, 2019


Terrible news from New Zealand as misguided people decided they had the right to kill innocents in pursuit of some goal.  The idea that any group of people can be treated as "targets" is dehumanizing to all of us.  My heart goes out to the victims of this senseless violence.

There are people around the world preaching hate against those different from us.  The problem with that is we are all people who share the same basic feelings, desires and fears.  To create barriers benefits those preaching hate and who parlay that into holding power.

None of this is new.  History has shown us time after time how hate mongers have succeeded in oppressing populations, and holding on to power until the bitter end.

They generally act like it is some "us" against some "them" but really in the end the only thing they care about is themselves.  Whatever success they may achieve initially is often short lived leading to catastrophe for their followers.

Unfortunately we seem to fall for the hate promoters over and over again.

Its simply a lesson we need to learn.

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