Friday, March 8, 2019


To some extent everything is a bit of a game, even things that are decidedly very important.  People make it that way as at least some of them are always trying to gain an advantage, I'm not aware of any profession or endeavor which is not subject to some game playing.

Now politicians are probably the biggest game players of all since they spend much of their time figuring out what to do and how to position themselves.  Once in a while someone comes along and changes the rules, causing a mad scramble.

We saw this in the 2016 election cycle but it really started in 2010 when the tea party started to infiltrate the Republican party.  Of course there have always been factions within the parties but they seemed to be unwilling to even consider some of the accepted norms.

Now of course we see some of this in the Democratic party.  It is possible that the failure of people who supported Bernie Sanders contributed to the Democratic candidates loss.  It was a factor and it required every factor to get the outcome we did.

In the mid terms we have seen an influx of non-traditional representatives, some of whom are getting a lot of attention.  Part of this is because they either don't know the accepted rules or don't care about them.

This of course provides ammunition to the other side to point out any foibles or mistakes they make.

What's worse is that many of the traditional filters are simply gone.  In days past you often had more awareness of what you were saying or doing.

Of course now, with twitter, you can shoot off a comment in the privacy of your bedroom without any filters at all.

Every tweet is subject to analysis and in some cases fact checking and it is probably a good idea for many of the new players to find a filter who can provide feedback on proposed tweets.

Or not and let the games begin!

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