Sunday, March 3, 2019

Too Many Labels

I had a discussion with my wife about what we call a person who identifies with their birth sex.  It is cisgender.  Its not that easy to keep track of and the following link is helpful.

gender identifier terms

Not too  long ago we just used men, women, boys, girls.

While respecting the rights of people to identify however they want there are things in the terminology that are a bit odd.  In a lot of it they talk about the sex assigned at birth.  Since I'm pretty sure they are not talking about God this is obviously the sex that would be indicated by the eternal genitalia they possess at birth.  At least I'm not aware that we are assigning sex at that time on any other basis.

I guess in some instances, certain parents decide not to assign a sex at that time.

Still, there is still a big trend about having sex reveal parties also going on.

I have to say that I sometimes think we have created a situation in which many people are almost encouraged to have sexual identity anxiety.

There have always been those who felt uncomfortable in the sex they were born into.  Sometimes this was expressed as a sexual desire for the same sex and other times it was related to a desire to act like the other sex.

For most of human history these types of behavior were considered unnatural or even sinful, something that needed to be hidden and something that could lead to punishment.  Hopefully we now allow people to be who they are, although I'm sure there is still some discrimination.

Still for those who, and this is the great majority of people I know, having a label for identifying as the sex I was born with seems a bit too much.  I'm also not sure that having to broadcast whether I am who I am or if I am now someone else is helpful to treating everyone the way they currently identify.

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