Saturday, March 2, 2019

They Can't Stop Lying

The problem with all the lies we are told by the administration is that over time they are revealed for what they are.

It seems like they prefer telling a lie over being honest.

If he had helped his son-in-law get a security clearance, who would really care?

He obviously did, but then he had to lie about it.


He just seems prone to lie for no real reason.

Yes there would have been a brief moment of criticism but it would have just passed.

The lie however, gives the story legs.

Lie after lie.

The question of whether there was collusion with the Russians is still unanswered.  However a lot of the people involved felt compelled to lie.  They have pled guilty or face a trial.

If there was no collusion, why are they lying?

It just seems to be a way of life in that group.

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