Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Trick(le) Down and out.

A view frequently shared by wealthy people is that building wealth is the way to improve the economy.

In order to build wealth you have to engage in some sort of business endeavor and that will create jobs, require supplies, and generally provide a stimulus to economic growth.

This is in fact the heart of trickle down economics and to some extent the basis of much of the Republican platform.

Its not a fair doctrine, in fact its more of a dog eat dog concept.  Let the successful truly succeed and everyone will benefit, to some extent.

Naturally the movers and shakers will get the lions share and that is a good thing encouraging others to strive to succeed and accumulate wealth.

The theory is not completely wrong, a rising tide does in fact lift all ships.

You just have to have a ship.

One of the problems with the theory is that the majority of the people are simply viewed as potential assets who cost money.  The goal is to pay them as little as you can in order to maximize profits.

Not the best thing if you are one of those workers.

Further, if you replace them totally with a machine that doesn't' suffer from fatigue or illness or demands for higher pay, it is even better

What are the workers to do?  That is they're problem and making them figure that out may lead to new economic opportunities.

Look there's a trickle, better get some before it is all gone.  .

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