Wednesday, April 3, 2019


One of the things I hear a lot is if someone finds your behavior "uncomfortable" you need to respect that and change.

I think it really depends on what that behavior is.

In many cases the behavior itself is wrong or at least questionable and should be modified.

However there are certain innocent type behaviors that 99.9% of people don't find offensive but which might be considered offensive by the .1%..

Should we consider that maybe that small group are the ones with the problem?

Some people have conditions that make them over susceptible to some behaviors, such as touching.

Clearly you shouldn't be touching them, but at the same time, shaking their hand or offering them a hug is not inappropriate behavior.

Now to be clear, it would be inappropriate if you have said you didn't want to be hugged, but if the hug is clearly innocent and not salacious and you say nothing, can you years later act like it was offensive?  I guess you can, we are seeing it, but should it be a real issue?

The behavior itself has to be the criteria.  Innocent behavior taken the wrong way is not behavior that should be condemned, if it wasn't objected to at the time.

The behavior is the only thing someone can control and to be condemned for acting innocently, is just wrong.  At least in my view.

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