Saturday, April 27, 2019

Health and Safety

One of the areas that is having a fairly immediate impact on Americans is the reduction of regulations meant to protect us from things like food contamination.

One of the things that gets limited coverage is when our current representative of big business cancels a regulation designed to protect the public.

Of course it costs money to comply with it but the tradeoff is the loss of human lives.

We live in a world where foods are farmed and processed remotely and in large quantities.  We have always had some food that caused illness but when those happened we generally regulated the cause making our food safer.

It did cost money and to some extent was a bit of a tax, and maybe it wasn't needed in most instances, but the times it prevented illness or death would be in my opinion well worth the small cost of compliance.

Hundreds if not thousands of these regulations have been cancelled to help business make more profits, and while most of those businesses are not evil or trying to hurt us, the lack of the regulation means safety measures will be eliminated.

The predictable impact of that would be more contaminated food in the marketplace and coincidentally it seems like I read about more E-Coli outbreaks than ever.

Of course that's anecdotal, but the administration is OK with some of us being victims if it helps his business friends make more money.

I guess our survivors can sue.

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