Thursday, April 25, 2019

Vote Value

Considering the upcoming 2020 elections, the most important races may be at the State level.

With the census, the states will revise their congressional districts.

Last time, the republicans managed to control a significant amount of the legislatures and they were able to create a fair number of "safe" republican seats.

The fact that despite this they lost so many seats in the last mid-terms is revealing.

The majority of people in this country support progressive values.

Remember that without the electoral college, we would have a different president.

Still, if you create districts that harbor disproportionate numbers of progressive voters, you can often control the other districts with small majorities.

So in a state where a majority vote for Democrats, you may have a solid majority of Republicans in the legislature.

Some of this may occur somewhat naturally but a lot of it is the result of gerrymandering.

While a time honored tradition, in the modern era we can do a lot better.

One person, one vote, and a vote that counts equally.

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