Friday, April 26, 2019

Constitutional Powers

We go through periods when either because of a crisis or war or simply because of an ineffectual congress that the presidential powers start to expand.

Of course once they expand it is hard to reel them in.

Eventually of course we get someone who overdoes it and congress tries to reestablish their constitutional role.

Our nation is designed to have a legislature the creates law, and a president who executes it.  While of course the president can propose laws and policies, and can block legislation with his veto, he is supposed to run the government efficiently, similar is some ways to a CEO.

CEOs though generally have a lot more policy authority.

It is hard for presidents to resist expanding their authority, it often seems like the only way to get things done.  However the legislative process is messy because it generally results in policies that are acceptable to most people.

Doing nothing is often preferable to doing something wrong.

Take the issues with our Southern Border.

There is significant disagreement about the solution that's needed and even about the extent of the problem.

Usurping legislative power by declaring an emergency which it clearly isn't is abusing the constitution.

We may have a significant problem on the border, we may not, but emergency implies some sort of imminent danger, which there isn't.

This will eventually be decided in the courts and lets hope the new nominees stick to the constitution. If they don't we may be on a dangerous road indeed.

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