Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Doing The Right Thing

Are poor immigrants wanting to come to this country for a better life a crisis?

If so the country was in a crisis for most of its history.

I understand that the rhetoric has grown dramatically and it is presented as an invasion of undesirables.

Still, it might rise to the level of a situation, but it is only a crisis if we make it one.

It may strain our border resources a bit, but we could certainly process these asylum seekers in an orderly way if we wanted to.

We have processed large numbers of asylum seekers in our past successfully.  Of course in some events we simply accepted everyone fleeing Cuba who passed a rudimentary check.  To some extent our current cumbersome process and shortage of personnel is causing delays and detention issues.

As a person who should care about his fellow man, the issue is what should we do with people who have left everything behind and show up at our border asking for safe entrance?

Obviously if they are some sort of threat or have terrorist connections, we shouldn't admit them, but ordinary people with families who just want a chance to be safe?

The country is not full, its is far from it.

Its clear that not everyone agrees that we have a humanitarian responsibility to help these people, our fellow humans, and that is just a fact.

However, each of them is a person and has the same hopes and desires as we do.  They are mostly victims of violence, poverty and corrupt governments.  Those are not our fault, but its not their fault either.

We need to do the right thing and not blame the victims.

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