Monday, April 22, 2019

Government Fairness

We should never forget that decisions made by the Government impact peoples lives in very significant ways.  In addition to the life and death decisions made regarding our active duty troops, it makes decisions that impact our lives from before our birth to the day we die, and even after.

You want the air you breathe to be clean, the schools safe and equipped, the streets safe, the highways in repair, the police professional, the health care system to be available and affordable, the food you eat safe, the country protected, the unemployment and retirement benefits to be there when needed, justice blind and your vote to count.

For all of those things we need Government at some level, and we generally want that Government to be fair.

We also know it is better to be rich in this country and if you are rich you are more likely to get what you want.

That old saying about needing money to make money is nowhere as true as in Government.  If you need something, it certainly helps to buy a few politicians.

We have significant systems of welfare for the rich in the form of Government contracts, subsidies, incentives and favorable tax treatments.  Some of these may generate jobs, but those jobs are diluted by high executive salaries, profits and the use of automation.

In fact the latest giveaway tax law increased profits significantly, helped stockholders, but had a minor and passing impact on jobs.

Its time to make sure politicians represent all the people, not just the ones who can make big campaign donations.

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