Monday, April 29, 2019

Getting out the Vote

When you consider how many voting age citizens don't bother to vote, even in Presidential elections, it should be no surprise we don't get the Government we want.

Over 90 million people didn't vote in the 2016 election.  These are the same people who often argue voting doesn't matter.  Well it does and so does not voting.

There are many people in this country who are terribly fearful that more of these people will actually vote and most indication are, it would fundamentally change our approach to many things.

In fact, while usually not stated as such,  they are considered by many the uneducated masses who expect the Government to deliver services to them.

Roadblocks are erected to discourage them from voting.

How to get this large group of Americans represented is a significant issue.  Some might argue that they are represented by those who do vote, but most indications are they are not really in favor of the establishment in either party.

Increasing voter participation should be an important priority for our Democracy, it just isn't.

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