Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Real Crisis

Forecasts indicate that a spring storm is going to bring significant snow to the middle part of the country.

This is weather, but the intensity of recent storms seems to be increasing.  A weather trend represents climate change.

The storm, named by some Wesley, is another bomb cyclone and will dump significant snow in much of the country.  These are the same areas that were impacted by the last bomb cyclone and which are suffering from floods and the new snow fall will simply exacerbate the problem.

We have seen many trends in weather and no reasonable person doesn't realize that the real crisis we face, worldwide, is climate change caused by or at least contributed to by human activity.

Its already too late to avoid some of the issues but failure to curtail the amount of carbon we release into the atmosphere will lead to even greater issues.

We have probably already altered the interactions that control things like bomb cyclones by warming the waters around the globe.

Maybe the border we should be worried about is the borders between shore and water.  The water is rising and we aren't doing much to stop it.

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