Tuesday, April 23, 2019


If you give the dontard any credibility you think he is the most persecuted president ever.

He ignores the amount of abuse heaped upon his predecessor, some of it by him as a birther, which generally was inaccurate.

They still play the game of taking an event, twisting it to make it look bad and never letting go.

Unfortunately its a dangerous world and bad things happen, usually despite everyone's best efforts.

Take an event like Benghazi, which was certainly bad and which was during a fairly chaotic period in the middle east.  The first couple of days had a few statements made that turned out to be inaccurate, but which were corrected soon thereafter.

This was portrayed as lying to the American public, even if the lie was corrected within a week.

Compare that to this guy who lies multiple times every day and, because he lies so much, isn't nailed to the cross over them.

One was persecuted for what was an honest mistake during the "fog of war" the other simply lies and then lies to defend his lies.

Persecution?  More like a free pass if you ask me.

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