Friday, April 19, 2019

Not Exonerated, but Not Important

While not exonerated, he also wasn't found guilty.

The fact that he exaggerates the way the report describes his behavior is not surprise, but there are plenty of people in the world who are probably guilty but the evidence isn't enough to charge or convict them.

The behavior described is clearly bad, but that isn't a surprise, all his behavior is mostly bad.

The question really is what is the best way to deal with this if you don't want another four years of lies and deceit.  Clearly we know he is going to go to rallies and trumpet his exoneration to his mindless supporters, who might actually know better but support him anyway.

What we do know is that if the Democrats don't do something extremely stupid, they are likely to win big in 2020 just like they did in 2018.

He is energizing their base more than he is drumming up additional support.

Realistically, he won a small number of traditionally blue states by getting out the rural vote while certain segments of the democratic base, who weren't enamored of the candidate stayed home.

Most of them have seen the impact of his policies on racial equality, hate, justice for the LGBTA community, progressive causes, the appointment of conservative justices who may challenge or overturn some significant policies, his attack on health coverage and the general contempt he holds most of them in.

Even the economy and the tax changes are not as good or successful as he pretends.

He wasn't exonerated but what is more important is that he not be re-elected.

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