Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Are Americans Entitled to Know?

During the Watergate crisis, President Nixon went on the air and said Americans needed to know if the President was a crook, and that he wasn't one.

Of course that wasn't completely true and as the investigation and hearings proceeded he eventually resigned from office.

We now have an administration that is effectively saying the same thing (no collusion, no obstruction) although the report he cites doesn't actually support either statement.

There was plenty of collusion, which by the way isn't the actual crime and clear evidence of obstruction.  Not all of it was by the current President, although a simple reading of the report is that if he wasn't the President he would have been charged.

Congress is conducting hearings to try to get to the truth, but the administration is unprecedented fashion is both refusing to testify and claiming executive privilege.

Whether the hearings would indicate that there were actual crimes committed or not would of course require the hearings to be conducted.

This is one of Congress' responsibilities to oversee the Executive branch and make sure they are acting in accordance with the law.

Americans do have the right to know and the Congress has the obligation to find our.

If the administration has nothing to hide, the question is what are they worried about?

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