Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Sex Abuser

There is no doubt or at least there shouldn't be that our current President was lecherous and unfaithful most of his life.

He clearly cheated on his wives multiple times and we have audio and visual proof that he was OK with abusing his position as a wealthy man to visually and physically abuse women.

Certainly much of it was consensual and while despicable its within most codes of conduct, unless you are of course particularly religious.

However, there is not real doubt that he abused women, many women, many times.

I think even his supporters are aware of that, and in a perverted way, many of his most ardent supporters admire that he did it and got away with it.

Much of his appeal is to the outliers in what is considered by the majority as civilized society but considered by them the land of political correctness.

They yearn for the days of white male dominance where the old boys club winked at such behavior as long as you didn't step over the line of leaving physical evidence of your behavior.

Obnoxious behavior, date rape, inappropriate comments and even physical touching was just the boys being boys.

The challenge was to see how much you could get away with.  This was immortalized in many old movies where a slap on the face for unwelcome advances was, well cute.

Women were expected to protect themselves and if they wore overly provocative clothes or went to a man's room, well what did they expect?

The latest accuser of the president has some questions to answer, but we know he knew her and I think everybody knows he probably did it.

It fits into the credo he spelled out in the Access Hollywood tape.  Still, some of his supporters are probably high fiving his ability to get away with it.

Another notch in his belt so to speak.

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