Sunday, June 30, 2019


Well lets be clear, peace is better than war and meetings are generally good.

However, before we declare the job done, we need to see if anything was accomplished.

It was certainly a big boost for the North Korean dictator who can point out how the US President came to him.

That is OK if in fact he takes significant steps to reduce his nuclear program.

That's what remains to be seen.

The last round didn't seem to result in any such result but we will see if there is any substance outside of the propaganda value for both sides.

We did have a long period in which North Korea was excluded, legitimately, form most international discussions.

We now have a President who seems to admire dictators and who is willing to pander to their egos, as long as they do the same with him.

Is the world safer today?

Not at all certain it is, but time will tell.

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