Sunday, June 23, 2019

Democratic Division

One of the reason's the Democrats lost the last election was that certain supporters of the nominee's primary opponent held resentments that prevented them from voting for her.

These resentments were fanned on social media by groups that opposed her election.

Some of that was probably done by the Russians, but I'm fairly convinced that other right wing groups also contributed.

Now Americans criticizing a candidate is fine, we have free speech, but people have to understand  these items for what they are.

Groups dedicated to right wing issues want to suppress or diminish the democratic vote.

They have used various tactics like making voting more difficult, gerrymandering and negative ads.

Perhaps the idea of making the divisions seem so great that progressive voters stay home allowing their ideals to be squashed is the most insidious.

There are some real differences in the candidates that need to be explored and debated so the best candidate can emerge.  However if the discussion turns bitter and acrimonious it could lead to some supporters of the losing candidate staying home.

Of course that is their right but they do have to realize that such actions can lead to a regressive regime threatening progressive ideal such as choice, equality for all, universal health care and the cementing of a Supreme Court that will prevent future progress for years.

Understand that whoever the candidate turns out to be in the process, the failure to support him/her is in fact support for the republican candidate.

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