Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Real Fake News

One of the things that has always been true but seems even more true recently is that some media counts on people just reading the headlines.

The headlines can however be quite misleading, especially when they are inspired by partisan sentiments.

I saw an article today that implied in its headline how a new policy by our current President was going to revitalize the coal industry.  The article itself said no such thing.

Yes the new policy would roll back some environmental restrictions on use of coal in power plants but it also noted that no one wants to invest in coal when cleaner alternatives like natural gas are cheaper.  It went on to point out how coal based plants are still closing at record rates.

So the headline was at best misleading and more likely a political stunt designed to let "headline readers" believe that coal was being revived.  Some of the quotes in the article were attributed to people with close ties to the administration re-election campaign and clearly it was designed to provide a false impression in certain swing states.

There are more and more stories like that, many of which are originated by Fox where the headline is not supported by and sometimes contradicted by the story within.

Do we see similar misrepresentations on the liberal side?  I'm sure some exist, but it really seems much more flagrant on the right.

The solution is to read the articles, they maintain a bit of journalistic integrity there.

Or else believe the real "fake" news.

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