Saturday, June 15, 2019

Foreign Relations?

Well after a couple of years of this administration, have we seen improvement in any of our foreign initiatives?

According to the dontard he has accomplished great things, but lets think about it.

We are embroiled in what looks to be an escalating trade war with China that shows almost no signs of improvement.  It is clearly in the interests of both parties to resolve it, but progress seems non-existent and while China is losing some market, we are paying the tariffs, losing our ability to export commodities there and it will cost us jobs.  Not a great accomplishment yet.

North Korea was ballyhooed but it seems like nothing has really changed.  They are still developing Nuclear Weapons and we are still imposing sanctions.

Iran was going to be forced to give up supporting terrorists and be forced to the negotiating table after we withdrew from a deal they were complying with.  They aren't negotiating and might be attacking cargo ships in the Strait of Hormuz.

Russia has continued its aggressive behavior and continues to consolidate its gains in the Ukraine.  No progress at all.

We decided to try to effect regime change in Venezuela but so far it hasn't worked and has led to an expansion of Russian and Cuban influence in the area.

We had started to see a bit of a thaw with Cuba, but that seems to be over now.

We have managed to evict ISIS from its strongholds on the land but the organization is not destroyed.

Syria, with Russian support seems to have no chance at regime change.

Israel, at least the hardliners there may be receptive to our action of moving the Embassy to disputed Jerusalem, but that obviously strengthens the terrorist recruiting ability.

Many of our allies now think we are unreliable and while some of them have increased defense spending, it hasn't led to a reduction in ours.

Canada and Mexico still haven't agreed to a new trade agreement and while they are likely to, it is very similar to the one we had.

Most of the world looks at us as unpredictable and unreliable, which might be the plan.  If its a good strategy is a matter of opinion.

These are the major areas, but the list could continue, our reductions in foreign aid, but I'm just not seeing any great accomplishments.

Not really seeing what I would call accomplishments at all.

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