Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Wrong Question

You see a lot of talk about whether we can afford things like universal health care, or secure retirements for all,

I think that is the wrong question.  Providing every member of our society with needed health care or a comfortable retirement after years of service isn't a matter of cost, its an obligation.

The idea that some members of our society will be forced to go without treatment is simply not an option.

Also, our seniors shouldn't be choosing between necessities because they can't afford to live comfortably.

Even primitive societies provided these things to their members and it is morally reprehensible not to.

Will the solutions cost money?  It may require some changes in how the money is flowed but generally it won't necessarily cost more than our current systems.  If you consider the amount countries that provide universal health care spend to us, we spend more.

Is our care better?  Perhaps in some cases, but on the whole it isn't.

So the question shouldn't be "Can we afford it?", it should be "How do we fund it?".

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