Sunday, June 9, 2019

Reality Show?

The "crisis" with Mexico is now resolved, at least for the time being.

Of course last week we didn't have a crisis, than we did, now we don't.

It might depend on any number of factors, indigestion, insomnia, slow Taco delivery.

I've been trying to see what was gained from the ruckus and I can't figure it out, so I'll wait for someone else to.

I would suspect the best way to tell would be to see if the number of undocumented immigrants seeking asylum goes down.

Still if you ever watched the show Apprentice, you know the winners and losers sometimes were measured by very subjective criteria.

Think they wanted to keep everyone is suspense as long as possible for the reveal at the end when he would declare your fired after reciting some convoluted rationale.

Sometimes it made almost no sense at all but it was real, although it was called a reality show.

Much like this presidency.

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