Friday, June 14, 2019

Our Government, is it Honest?

Well an admitted liar has resigned as the press secretary for the administration that easily holds the record for most lies.

I have no idea what the future holds for her and in some respects she simply carried out the orders of the main liar, but don't think that is going to be much of an excuse, although she probably will end up with the so called news channel that host the most liars.

We seem to accept that lying is commonplace and we see so much of it we don't register much shock anymore.

There is of course a history of how lying became something we expected from the Government and which now has eroded some basic aspects of society.

There were probably always some misinformation but the revelations in the Pentagon Papers had a significant impact on the American psyche.  Followed up shortly thereafter with Iran-Contra and we were off to the races.

As the Internet grew we got Wiki-Leaks where secrets were revealed some of which contradicted public positions.

We have evolved to the point where everybody is either lying or accusing other of lying.

We need to restore trust in our Government, that they aren't covering up things that we need to know, like contaminates in our water supply or other dangers to our health and safety.

This is supposed to be our Government and it should have our interests as its primary concern.

Unfortunately too often it seems that large companies that can make large donations get the consideration.

That needs to change.

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