Saturday, June 8, 2019


The internet has turned some things that used to be simply gripe sessions into causes.

Take for example Incels (Involuntarily celibate).  We used to call that a bad weekend or a losing streak.

Now it is apparently a societal plot by the secret women societies to exclude any men who don't exhibit the right set of feature to be worthy of selection.

Of course in today's world there actually is a method of selection, swipe right or swipe left.

We had to depend on less certain signs, like did she return your smile?

This required people to leave their house and be in close proximity to the opposite sex, say at high school dances.

I think they still have those but I would be surprised if they aren't going silent as everyone listens to their own music via headphones.

The fact that this sort of negates the social concept of a dance.

It certainly limits conversation.

Of course one would think that the problem exists in both sexes.  Maybe its the involuntary part that's different, its always been generally believed that it was the women who decided that question.

Still using the odd definitions of today, I suppose if they reject less than perfect partners and the most desirable partners reject less than desirable partners, there should be large groups on both sides.

Seems like a story as old as time.

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